Pope Congratulates Joe Biden


Pope Francis spoke with Joe Biden by telephone Thursday to offer “blessings and congratulations” to the US president-elect on his victory, the Democrat’s transition team said in a statement. Former vice president Biden, 77, is only the second Catholic elected to the US presidency, after John F Kennedy in 1960. “The president-elect thanked His Holiness for extending blessings and congratulations and...

Chemical Warfare In Ukraine Is A “Real Threat” – President Biden


US President Joe Biden warned Wednesday that the threat of Russia using chemical weapons in its ongoing attack of Ukraine was “real” as he departed the White House for a high-stakes trip to Europe to tout Western unity and support for Ukraine.  Asked about the threat of chemical warfare in Ukraine, Biden said, “I think it’s a real threat,” but declined to...

Boris Johnson Self-isolating After Meeting With MP Who Tested Positive For COVID-19


Boris Johnson is self-isolating after an MP he had a meeting with later tested positive for COVID-19. The prime minister said he had been notified by NHS Test and Trace that he has to self-isolate as he has been in contact with someone who has tested positive. Mr Johnson tweeted: "I have no symptoms, but am following the rules and will be...

UK’s COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Injection Starts [VIDEO]


The first volunteers for the coronavirus vaccine trial have received their first doses as scientists desperately try to fight the illness which has now claimed the lives of 18,738 in the UK. Scientists at the Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, have begun the first human trial in Europe by administering the trial injections, which were developed in under three months, to more...

Putin tries to defend Ukraine invasion in Victory Day speech


In a speech marking Russia's Victory Day on Monday, President Vladimir Putin sought to link his country's struggle against Nazi Germany in World War Two with his invasion of Ukraine and baselessly claimed the West had given him no choice. Putin said ...

Trump Becomes First US President Since 1869 To Skip Swearing-in Of His Successor


President Biden takes the oath of office and delivers the inauguration address. Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. Kamala Harris made history as the first woman, Black woman and Asian woman to be sworn in as vice president. President Trump did not attend the inauguration, becoming the first president...

Greece Seizes Russian Tanker Following EU Sanctions


Greek authorities have seized a Russian tanker off the southern coast of the Greek island of Evia, a spokesperson for the country's Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy confirmed Tuesday. Pegas, the crude oil tanker sailing under the Russi...

Polish PGNiG Confirms Complete Halt In Gas Supplies By Gazprom


WARSAW, April 27. /TASS/. Polish energy company PGNiG confirmed a complete halt in gas supplies by Gazprom under the Yamal contract, the company announced on Wednesday on its official website. "Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA announces th...

Russia-India Relations Develop In Spirit Of Strategic Partnership — Putin

Wagner Crisis Shows Ukraine War ‘Cracking Russian Power’ — EU

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated his Indian counterpart Draupadi Murma and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 75th anniversary of the republic's independence, according to a message published on Monday on the Kremlin website. "In the decades since your country became independent, it has achieved widely acknowledged progress in a variety of areas, including the economy, social sphere, science and...

China Is Building Strong Army Worthy Of Its Status – Defense Minister Wei


China is building a robust national defense and strong army proportionate to the country’s international status and meeting its interests, Defense Minister Wei Fenghe has said. He was speaking at a special ceremony on the occasion of the 95th anniv...

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