Chairman House Committee on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria control, Hon Amobi Godwin Ogah will on Monday, 26th February, 2024, depart for Maseru – Lesotho, to join other African leaders to attend meetings of the Network of African Parliamentary Committees on Health (NEAPACOH).

The High Level Meeting which is Scheduled for 27 – 29 February 2024 will discuss issues of management of TB, NCDs, health security and population, health and environment integration in Africa. This will be the first time, since 2008, that the NEAPACOH meeting is held outside Uganda, which hosts the NEAPACOH Secretariat, a statement by Elem Chukwuemeka, the Media Adviser to Hon. Amobi Ogah said.

According to the statement, the meeting will bring together Parliamentarians and Parliament Committee Clerks who are members of the Health Committees. Because of the multi-sectoral nature of the NEAPACOH commitments that were developed at the 2023 NEAPACOH meeting, invitations to the meeting have also been extended to Chairpersons of the Environment, Budget and Finance committees, as well as Development Partners, researchers, Civil Society Organizations, and other stakeholders engaged in Reproductive, Maternal, New-Born, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) programs.

It will provide a platform for discussing, interrogating, and sharing good practices in accelerating the achievement of the ICPD agenda and UHC.

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The meeting will further provide the opportunity for reporting progress and sharing lessons learned in implementation of the 2023 NEAPACOH commitments and Kampala Call to Action which underscore far reaching policy and programme actions for improving Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health (MNCAH) outcomes in Africa.

Some of the imperatives that are critical to achievement of UHC, including increasing domestic financing for health with a focus on Primary Health Care (PHC); integrating population, health and the environment; increasing access to sexual reproductive health services and information to the young people; and immunization, among others, will be presented and discussed.

The theme for the meeting this year is: ‘’Towards ICPD30 and achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Imperatives for accelerated implementation and the role of Parliamentarians.



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