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Policy Alert trains Akwa Ibom civil servants on FOI Act

AKWA IBOM – Policy Alert, a leading non-governmental organisation in the Niger Delta, holds a-one day training on utilising Freedom of Information Act as a tool for delivering public sector transparency and accountability in the Akwa Ibom State Civil Service.
The training is for desk officers in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Akwa Ibom State.
Mr. Tijah Bolton-Akpan, Executive Director, Policy Alert.
The training which has as its theme, “Utilizing the FOI Act 2011 as a tool for Combating Public Sector Corruption at the Subnational Level”, holds on friday 16th August, 2019.
The programme officer, Faith Paulinus, said the training is part of the Strengthening Citizens’ Resistance Against Prevalence of Corruption (SCRAP-C) project, which Policy Alert is currently implementing in Akwa Ibom State, with support from Actionaid Nigeria.
“The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2011 is an important piece of legislation aimed at empowering citizens and state actors and institutions to promote transparency and accountability in government” Paulinus said.
 “There is a huge confusion and clear dearth of capacity within state institutions on how the FOI Act could be utilized as a tool for anticorruption. Part of the confusion stems from the provisions of the Official Secrets Act which is seen by many as detracting from the rights of citizens to access publicly held information. The other part relates to whether the Act is applicable to subnational jurisdictions.”
“The proposed training seeks to address this gap and the general lack of knowledge on the provisions of the Act and inability of state actors at the state and local levels to respond to FOI requests according to its provisions.”
Paulinus disclosed that Policy Alert will be mobilizing, building capacity and facilitating a number of citizen-led efforts by communities, media and civil society in Akwa Ibom State to utilize state budgets and the FOI Act as tools for combating and changing attitudes around corruption, in the next phase of the training.

Obono-Obla may lose status as lawyer

Mr. Okoi Obono-Obla, Chairman, Special Investigation Panel for the Recovery of Public Property, recently suspended from office may have his education and law certificates withdrawn.
Obono-Obla’s suspension announced on Wednesday 14th August, took immediate effect, according to a letter signed by Boss Mustapha, Secretary to Government of the Federation.
The letter dated August 14, 2019 obtained by Premium Times and sighted by The Dune, states that the suspension shall subsist until the conclusion of on-going investigations into case of alleged falsification of records and financial impropriety against the panel chairman.
“I write to convey the directive of His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, for your suspension from office as Chairman, Special Investigation Panel for the Recovery of Public Property, with immediate effect”, the letter reads.
Obono-Obla was suspended following a recommendation of the House of Representatives.

The House of Representatives had in February written to the Federal Government, demanding it to act on the House resolution calling for the sack of Mr. Okoi Obono-Obla.

The letter addressed to the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Mr. Boss Mustapha, referenced NASS/CAN/105/Vol. 25/044 was dated 5th February 2019 and signed by the Clerk to the National Assembly, Mr. Sani Omolori and referenced.
Copied in the letter were, the Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF); Inspector-General of Police, Chief Justice of Nigeria; President Nigeria Bar Association (NBA); Vice Chancellor, University of Jos; Director-General, Nigeria Law School; Chairman, Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC); Chairman, National Universities Commission (NUC); Chairman, Council of Legal Education; Nigeria Law School; and the Chairman, Body of Benchers
The letter reads: “The House of Representatives on Thursday, 20th December 2018, considered the Report of the AD-HOC Committee on Finance to Investigate the Legality and Modus Operandi of the Special Presidential Panel and subsequently recommended that:

“The president should be urged to dissolve the panel in view of the arbitrary use of powers and abuse of Office by the Chairman;  “Code of Conduct Bureau should be utilised to perform the gap that the Panel seeks to fill in the current anti-corruption drive; “The President of the FRN should discharge Chief Okoi Obono-Obla of his responsibility as Special Adviser and Chairman of the Special Presidential Investigation Panel (SPIP);  “The Independent corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) should investigate the allegations of corruption contained in the Audit Report of the Auditor-General of the Federation on the financial transactions of the Panel and prosecute the culprits;

“The Law Degree of Chief Okoi Okono- Obla, having been obtained fraudulently, be withdrawn by University of Jos.”

“The Council of Legal Education should withdraw the Law School Certificate awarded Ofem Okoi Ofem (now known as Chief Okoi Obono-Obla) as it was based on the degree which he obtained from the University of Jos through fraud; “The Body of Benchers should withdraw the Call to Bar Certificate issued to Chief Okoi Obono-Obla; “The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) should prosecute Chief Okoi Obono-Obla before the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee; and

“Chief Okoi Obono­ -Obla should be prosecuted by the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) and charged to court for forgery and misrepresentation”.

It could be recalled that the House had indicted Obono-Obla of forgery of West African Examination Council (WAEC) result following both oral and written testimonies by the examination body.

Whereas the WAEC result (Examination No. 09403/247 May/June 1982) with which Obono-Obla obtained his degree in Law indicates that he made five credit passes, including Literature-in-English, official letters from WAEC to the House of Representatives dated 11th and 17th April 2018 and signed by Mr. A. A Okelezue and Mr. Olu Adenipekun, respectively, showed that he did not sit for Literature-in-English.

Also, in his oral testimony under oath, WAEC Deputy Registrar, Mr. Femi Ola, affirmed the allegation, describing the result Obono-Obla’s parades as “altered”, “not genuine”, and “invalid”.

Nigeria is Making Steady Gains in Security – Phillips


Shina Phillips, the CEO of Matchmakers Consult International Limited, is known to many as one of the pioneers of modern day Nollywood and a versatile FIFA-Licensed Players’ Agent. He is the initiator of the prestigious Nigeria Pitch Awards and an FRSC Celebrity Marshall; not many however know him as a seasoned security expert known for his professional and in-depth knowledge of security issues. His involvement in security dates back to the late 1990s. He is a regular face on Security Watch Africa Programme on the Africa Independent Television (AIT). He has served as an International Assessor for ‘Security Watch Africa’ and ‘Security Watch Africa Awards’. He has had the privilege of having to go round the country to do assessments on the state of Nigerian security; to proffer advice, where necessary, to the government; and commend the security agencies where they are doing well. In an interview, he dissects Nigeria’s security problems and what needs to be done to get us out of our security woes.


Shina Phillips (left), Presenting a memento to IGP Abubakar Ibrahim Adamu




Nigeria’s State of Security: We need to step up spending on security 

While assessing the state of Nigeria’s security, Philips believes that the Buhari’s administration, just like his predecessors, has budgeted and spent huge amount of funds on security. “Since assuming office as President and Commander-in-Chief, the President has approved huge budgetary spending on security and generally, people could see the impact of this on the battle against the Boko Haram insurgency in the North East. We have also had the military getting involved more and more in internal security as a stop-gap approach to curtailing growing incidences of insecurity around the country. The President has ordered recruitment of more security personnel especially in the Nigeria Police, in order to improve police presence around the country. The media have also reported the military taking delivery of military hardware and weapons necessary to fight not just the insurgency in the North-East but other battle fronts around the country. These are very commendable steps. No doubt, Nigeria is making steady gains in security.

“In spite of these spending, you cannot dismiss the fact that certain security agencies, especially the Nigeria Police, are indeed underfunded. Let me fist put this in the proper context: in any country in the world, no amount spends on security will ever be enough, even in America. In Nigeria, we need to further step up spending on security to adequately tackle our security situation. At this level, as the greatest black nation in the world, our Police especially are not as technologically equipped as the Police in more advanced nations. It is saddening. I have had the privilege of being out there and I can tell you that their Police are well-kitted and well-funded; let alone the military and some other arms of their security agencies. I think that with the kind of awareness now in our society, there is need for proper funding of not just the military but also of the Nigeria Police because they are responsible for internal security. When you look at the situation of things today, I do not see any difficulty or any form of complexity in tackling the security problem we have in this country because we have what it takes.’

“Secondly, when I look at our own setup, the major problem I see is that we have not successfully managed our diversity: we are divided across religious lines; we are divided across ethnic lines and sometimes we are sharply divided across certain ideological and political stands.”

Speaking further, Philips highlights the massive impact a nation’s economy plays in maintaining security. “There is no amount of expertise you deploy to deal with the security of a nation without looking at the economy of that nation. We must pay attention to those things that easily trigger some of the criminalities you have in our society. Suffice to say that in Nigeria, we have a lot of security experts who have proffered solutions by way of security expertise but then they seem to fail because you need to first create an enabling environment that is safe for investments and safe for creation of jobs. I think the President and his cabinet realized at some point during his first tenure and that was why we experienced spirited efforts to inject funds into the economy through the ‘Tradermoni’ initiative which is a form of cash transfer to people who may not be able to access business loans from banks. It is a good idea because in spite of the criticisms, it has seen billions of naira in circulation and more importantly, in the hands of those who really need it.”

Explaining further, Philips provides a rear insight into the futility of any government’s efforts at securing the society without paying proportional attention to growing the economy. “If you provide security in a particular environment and neglect issues of job creation and  economic and social welfare of the citizens in that same environment, you are inevitably and invariably going to have  an upsurge in criminality that will equally put a lot of weight on your security apparatus.”

Making the point clearer, Phillips states; “the more security agencies try to tackle criminality on this side, the more it increases on the other side so much so that there is strong likelihood that these efforts will yield little or no result.”

Tackling poverty, trans-border arms’ flow with reduce insecurity 

Shina Philips believes only a well-thought out and holistic approach to the nation’s security challenges will yield desired results. “Unfortunately for our security chiefs, one of the first things to do is outside their statutory responsibility. The economy must take centre stage in finding solution to insecurity in Nigeria. Some criminalities such as cultism, armed robbery, burglary, banditry, kidnapping and so on, can be linked to the fact that there is no daily supply of meal in many homes. While poverty is not entirely responsible for crimes, a high rate of poverty will most likely trigger a corresponding high rate of crime. So I would think that no matter the design you put in to deal with criminality in the country, it is also safer to look at the economic wellbeing of the people. I think this alone will reduce the level of criminality and boost the efforts of the security agencies. I see this government is working on this and I encourage them to make more haste. I also advise the government to look into the idea of the Social Security Scheme especially as practiced in most advanced societies. This will take care of the vulnerable citizens and ensure that the society caters for them on a regular basis.”

“Secondly, our security arrangements must continue to evolve in order to confront the new face of crime on the continent. One of the ills of globalization is the issue of trans-border crimes. We know the President has reached out to leadership in neighbouring countries, but more has to be done to stop the inflow of arms and devices and even criminal elements across our borders. On the one hand, we are dealing with the issue of Boko Haram, whose threat the military have been able to bring down to a certain level. I would say the only thing left now is to completely annihilate the sect, but technically and to a very large extent, that has been dealt with.  On the other hand, we are also dealing with several other security threats across the 6 geo-political zones: armed banditry, kidnapping, armed robbery, cultism and gang related conflicts, militant and succession agitation. We have special security task forces operated by the Nigerian Army, Navy, Airforce, Department of State Services, EFCC, NSCDC and others. It is not enough to say we are equipping the security agencies with weapons or that we are looking at the area of intelligence gathering, or that we looking at funding the agencies as it were; there will always be the very salient issue of coordination, collaboration and cooperation among the security agencies. Competition and rivalry among them will only serve narrow and parochial interests.

“We can then look at the internal security architecture where the Nigeria Police play a major role. What do we need to do to be able to manage our internal security in the country and deal with insecurity?” Philips asks rhetorically.

We need database and predictive policing

Predictive Policing is premised on the availability of data which will help the police predict venue, time and possibly persons involved in criminalities based on a particular trend observed through a study of data. For instance, take the issue of kidnapping: If the police are technologically equipped, they will be able to track and eventually arrest perpetrators of kidnapping. We need the police to set up a strong central database where they can access records of criminals who have in the past committed any crime. There seems to be a strong loose end as far as that area is concerned. Data is of central importance to the success of the Police. This will make us have an appropriate budget for our security agencies to deal with the issue of criminality.

“There are currently plans to add 280, 000 officers to take the strength of the Nigeria Police to 650, 000 officers. At the current strength of 371, 800 police men and women, the country has a ratio of 1 police man to 467 citizens. This is grossly inadequate. In some countries the police-citizen ratio is just one to ten or twenty.’

IGP Adamu is competent, savvy with technology for 21st century policing 

Shina Phillips’s position and disposition on the current Police leadership has been well documented in the media. Having interacted with the Police hierarchy over the last decade, he is perhaps best suited to speak on how well prepared the Police leadership is to tackle insecurity in Nigeria. “I will say that the Nigeria Police are fortunate to have as IGP, Abubakar Mohammed Adamu, a highly seasoned police officer, with a strong management team and officers that are responsive and ready to run with his own vision and who are ready to take the Nigeria Police to its enviable height. We have an Inspector General of Police who understands what global policing is; what is obtainable in term of policing all over the world. When you have such a person as the IGP, there is a likelihood and definitely so that there will be a huge turnaround. He will be able, not only to generate the funds that the Police need, but also to technologically equip the Police.’

“The best way to assess the readiness of the Police is to first assess its leadership. As I said and I wish to be quoted out there, fortunately for the Nigeria Police, the current IGP knows what to do in the area of technological advancement, sourcing for funds and partnering with the government to give Nigeria the kind of Police they can be proud of.  He also knows how to rid the Nigeria Police Force of elements that have dented the image of the Nigeria Police.”

Explaining his position further, Phillips takes a look at the number and caliber of those serving with him; they are the ‘Progressives’ of the Force. “If you step into some of their offices: the DIGs, AIGs and CPs, you would be very proud of our Police. So we have a leader who has those running with his vision and I know, giving him time and government backing he will be able to equip the Nigeria Police so honourably that the perception of the public about the Police will change and there will be room for collaboration. He has the knowledge of what Community Policing is; he has knowledge of what visibility in terms of police presence without unnecessary harassment is. Also, I have keenly observed that this IGP knows what the right of the Police officer is and what the right of the citizen is. Our hearts should bleed when we hear that a police man or woman is killed in the line of duty.

“The IGP is also working to enhance institutional capacities and prime all police departments. There is going to be tremendous change. I know him and I know he is not carried away by the office. He has enmeshed himself in the vision of the Nigeria Police. He is assisted by the entire management team of the Nigeria Police who are determined to run with his vision. He is supported by a professional and irrepressible image maker in DCP Frank Mba, a very effective ACP Idowu Owohunwa, the Principal Staff Officer to the IGP, SP Jolugbo Moses, a seasoned international police officer and a dedicated secretariat made up of Special Assistants and Personal Assistants ever ready to serve the IGP. I expect nothing less than an efficient and vibrant Police Force while these men and officers remain in charge.”

President Buhari should give more support to Police

“This will be the president’s legacy because he has an able lieutenant in this IGP, whose vision for the Police tallies with the President’s. If there is a political will and proper funding, believe you me, criminality will be dealt with and as the most populous black nation in the world, we would take our proper place in the comity of nations and stand proudly.”

Shina Phillips (right) during a courtesy visit to the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General Tukur Yusuf Buratai in Abuja




Outlining some of the immediate benefits of a secured Nigeria, Philips identifies tourism as one area the nation will experience improvement. “The sector will attract more investors and more tourists from abroad. This will boost our revenue and trigger more FDI inflows. No investor will come to a country where there is no security. If there is good security, you will see that the Nigerian economy will grow and can run 24 hours. Nigeria has everything it takes to run a 24-hour economy. ”

My Position on Community Policing

“Community Policing is not strange to us. In fact, effective policing is partnership with the community. However, there is need to sensitize the people and partner with the traditional rulers; bring them into the entire security architecture in order to make them understand the place of partnership. Community Policing takes the saying that ‘The Police is your friend’ into the realms of reality. It builds trust between the Police and the community. The Police basically need information to perform maximally. The community can provide the needed information but the Police must guarantee the security and continuous safety of informants by keeping them anonymous. There is also the need to create what is called ‘constabularies’ so that within an environment, we can look at men and women of honour who people in the society can vouch for; build them into the Force and give them privileges to act as eyes for the Police. The only limitation for them is that they cannot carry weapons. These people, by virtue of their being members of a particular environment, will have access to information which will help the Police fight crime and keep society safe.’

State Police may polarise ethnicity, except… 

The issue of State Police has been in our national discourse since Nigeria returned to democratic rule in 1999. However, in recent times, owing to grave security concerns across the country, the calls for the adoption of State Police have increased. As an International Assessor on security, Shina Philips states what his position and elaborates on factors which influenced his decision.

“I have been strongly concerned about the idea of State Police. Before we can heed calls for State Police, we have to beef up the federal police structure and operation and get it well-funded. If the structure of our police is perfected at the federal level and patriotism has become the order of the day, then the idea of State Police will be embraced by all.

“My position is informed by the very obvious fact that State Police in Nigeria today may be abused not only by politicians as some people have said but by the ordinary citizens especially if rules of engagement are not properly defined. Our problem as a nation is hinged on patriotism. For state police to work the people must be very patriotic and for us to rid the nation of corruption, we must be patriotic. ‘

“Patriotism is the way forward for Nigeria and Nigerians. When you see a nation whose people are patriotic, you will see the flag of that country proudly displayed everywhere regardless of differences in tribe and religion. Religion cannot unite a nation because you have different creeds; but patriotism can unite the people regardless of their religious, their ethnicity, their political differences because at the end of the day, you are thinking alike and placing the nation above yourself. Unfortunately, the leaders we have today are thinking of themselves above the nation. They have selfish and greedy tendencies and they so ignorantly display it. But when you become patriotic, the common interest of the country is paramount; you are thinking, at that point, what you will do for your country and not what your country will do for you. But the country also must be able to stand tall so that its people will be proud. This is when the country needs to create such an environment where it has done greatly for its people in the areas of infrastructure and the economy.’

“I am aware that proponents of State Police have argued that when the system is adopted, police officers will be men and women who know the environment and the terrain well and will also know the people very well. But this is my argument against this line of thinking: If a Hausa man who comes from Maiduguri and resides somewhere in the South-South, has a case against an indigene of one of the states in the South-South; the IPO is from the South-South. The DPO is from the South-South. I can bet the first thing the South-South man will do is to speak in his dialect. It is the same thing if the situation is reversed. This means we are further polarizing the country and working against our unity.’

“We must first see ourselves as Nigerians before we begin to talk of our ethnic backgrounds, but the reverse is the case today. We should be able to see a Yoruba man introducing himself first as a Nigerian, an Ibo man and Hausa man introducing themselves first as Nigerians and it will be so much later that the other person will ask ‘What part of Nigeria are you from?’ We need to first think Nigeria.

“How do we achieve this? We need a leader who is visionary, patriotic and charismatic and fortunately we have that in President Muhammadu Buhari. He is leader with a whole lot of goodwill and massive followership. I will advise that the President convene a Confab solely for the purpose of instilling the noble idea of patriotism and galvanizing the population towards this direction. Remember that President Buhari as Military Head of State in 1984 did this. In Rwanda, for example, it took a visionary leader. It is so amazing that when you get a visionary leader, you will find people of like minds around him. A visionary leader is not keen on his cronies. A visionary leader is looking for those who will deliver. He will spell out the vision. He will find men and women who will die for that vision and you will find a people that will follow and die for the vision. These are visions that have taken the countries that we envy today to the height they are, and they have continued to sustain these visions. Americans are planning another trip to the moon. When JF Kennedy announced that America would be going to the moon, it took another  nine years before they eventually landed on the moon! I must confess, it takes vision to do this. It is time for Africa to attempt the impossible and Nigeria can take the lead.

Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Zubairu Muazu (right) with Phillips

“Africa is a blessed continent. Africa’s sons and daughters have their footprints in great and timeless innovations across the world. This is why Matchmakers Consult International introduced the Africa LAMPS Awards. This represents Legends of Arts, Management, Politics, Science, Sports and Security Awards. It will identify and honour Africans who have made tremendous contributions to all human endeavours across the continents in the globe. I work with a crack team made up of Nelson Olafisoye, a versatile manager of resources, Fred Efole, a seasoned journalist and Ross Alabo-George and astute and experienced project manager.

Operation Puff Ader,  POCACOV, are good initiatives 

“The IGP Mohammed Adamu is a man of impeccable character. He has to a large extent shown himself to be patriotic and a visionary; he is a man who knows exactly what is best for the nation in terms of policing. He is a man who deals with people with patience so he can translate his vision to those who are working with him. If we have that kind of a leader as the head of our police, the speed at which there will be transformation will be interesting. One of the things I see about him is that he is so detribalized. His wealth of experience as an international police officer who was with INTERPOL and rose to an enviable position will prove crucial for Nigeria. He has a whole lot of experience to bring to the Nigeria Police.  He loves being a policeman. I was not surprised when ‘Operation Puff Adder’ popped up and not too long ago, he flagged off the POCACOV – Police Campaign Against Cultism and Other Vices. This is an extremely smart move by the Police to tackle the problem of cultism and gang related crimes through advocacy and persuasion. This will be to the delight of all parents and school authorities across the nation.

“POCACOV will be marshalled by Ebere Amaraizu, a Superintendent of Police and PPRO of the Enugu Command under the supervision of the FPRO, Frank Mba. SP Amaraizu is a Police Officer who has demonstrated his passion for a youth population free from cultism and drugs. He is the best man for the job. By putting POCACOV under the FPRO, the IGP has clearly demonstrated faith in the use of education and advocacy to stern the tide and spread of cultism. This is a sign of the good things to come.”


Culled from P.M News

3 persons crushed by trucks on deplorable East-West road


Rivers –  Three persons have been crushed to death by heavy duty trucks at Akpajo, Eleme, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

The incident occurred on Thursday 15th August.
Eyewitness, Fyneface Fyneface said “collapsed bridge on the East-West road and attendant traffic jam”, caused the loss.
Another eyewitness, Nornubari Kote, claimed that impatient truck drivers crushed the trio to death.
Kote said the deceased persons were trekking and trying to manoeuvre their way in-between the trucks in the hold- up.
“The persons are said to have been trekking as a result of hold up on the said road and were crushed to death by impatient truck drivers.”
The identities of the deceased persons could not be ascertained at the time of filing this report.
The corpses, full of blood, were seen under the trailers’ tyres as shown in these pictures.

A’Ibom Deep Seaport project is 95% completed – Akan Okon

The Akwa Ibom State Government says the Ibom Deep Seaport Project (IDSP) will be completed in no time.
Speaking on Thursday, 15th August, with staff of the Ministry of Economic Development and Ibom Deep Seaport, Mr. Akan Okon, said the project is 95 per cent completed.
Okon, who is the Commissioner for Economic Development and Ibom Deep Seaport stated that the project is being developed as a key component of the state’s economic empowerment plans.
He said the Akwa Ibom State Government is only awaiting approval from the Federal Government of Nigeria for the multi-billion dollars project to take off.
Akan Okon, Commissioner for Economic Development and Ibom Deep Seaport



“The IDSP project which is being developed by the Akwa Ibom State Government through a public-private partnership (PPP) initiative, would have the capacity of employing a minimum of 5,000 workers when it becomes fully operational.”
Completing the Ibom deep seaport is one of the priorities of Governor Udom Emmanuel completion agenda in 2023, the second term manifesto of the governor states.
In 2018, a consortium from China, Bollore and Power China won the bid to develop the seaport.
This year, the State government created named the seaport project as part of its ministry of economic development.

The Ibom deep seaport is designed as a transshipment port where very large vessels that can load up to 13,000 containers in one voyage, according information promoted by the State government.

IDSP is a Federal Government project driven by the Federal Ministry of Transportation, Akwa Ibom State & Nigerian Port Authority

Upon its final completion, the Federal Government of Nigeria will own the Ibom Deep seaport through the Nigeria Ports Authority, and in partnership with the Akwa Ibom State Government and private investors.

El-Zakzaky returns to Nigeria


Leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria who was granted bail to go to India for medicals, is on his way back to Nigeria, barely two days after he left for treatment.



Secretary of the Academic Forum of Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Abdullahi Musa, on Thursday confirmed that Sheik Ibraheem El-Zakzaky is currently on his way back to Nigeria.

He said that the Nigerian Government denied their leader access to his personal doctor in India, thereby making it difficult for him to get the required medical treatment.

El-Zakzaky had lamented the deplorable condition he had faced at the hands of the security operatives that escorted him.

Unveiling the Speaker of A’Ibom House of Assembly


Darlington UDOBONG

For being embodied with compassion, humility and accommodative heart, Rt. Hon. Aniekan Bassey, member representing Uruan State Constituency and Speaker of the Seventh Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, has been unveiled as the driver of the Assembly. He has been tagged the “Working Speaker.”

Rt. Hon. Bassey, fondly called Ani GemLodge, was born on the 30th day of August, 1978. He is a native of Ekim Enen Village in Uruan Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. He attended Christ the King Nursery and Primary School (1984 – 1991), Uyo High School (1991- 993), Senior Science College, Abak (1993 -1996). He is an alumnus of the University of Uyo, where he bagged two Bachelor of Science Degrees in Chemistry, and Sociology and Anthropology. He is currently pursuing two Master Degrees in Sociology and Anthropology, and in Development Studies.

In 2015, Ani GemLodge heeded the call of the people of Uruan to represent them in the State House of Assembly, a mandate he got through the ballot. He served in the 6th Assembly as Deputy Leader, Chairman of the House Services Committee and Chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology. Given his superlative performance, his people returned him through the ballot again for a second term. And by the benevolence of God, he emerged the Speaker of the 7th Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly.
His service to community has been severally acknowledged and recognized by different groups and bodies. Hon. Aniekan Bassey in the last four years has provided quality representation to his people in the State House of Assembly. He has sponsored and co-sponsored a good number of bills and motions as well as matters of urgent public importance with direct bearing on the people of Uruan and the state in general. Co-sponsored several bills includes Bill to protect the Physically Challenged Persons against all forms of Discrimination, Bill to establish Constituency Projects Development Fund, Bill to establish Building and civil engineering construction Materials Quality and Control Centre, Bill to establish Akwa Ibom State Utility Infrastructure Management and Compliance Agency, Bill to establish Akwa Ibom State Social Housing Scheme and Bill to establish Akwa Ibom State Youth Development Fund among others. Motions and Matters of Urgent Public Importance includes the murder of Daniel Bassey Solomon from Ifiayong Usuk whose case is being vigorously pursued in court; the need for Akwa Ibom State Government’s Involvement in Agricultural Value Chain to Ensure Sustainable Food Security and improve Foreign Earning and the need to curb the invasion/annexation of Uruan LGA by marauding militants from Cross River state.

As Chairman of the House Services Committee, Rt. Hon. Bassey proactively supervised the renovation of the Assembly Chapel, VIP Lounge, the Assembly Chamber and Gallery, Conference Hall and the General Reception, etc. His coming as Chairman brought about a complete turnaround of the ambience of the Assembly complex.
He has trained more than 1000 youths in JAMB CBT and computer studies out of which he provided 60 JAMB forms to the beneficiaries. JAMB classes were organized for them and they were transported to their respective exam venues. For the first time, Uruan students recorded 90% pass in JAMB through his efforts. Also, in conjunction with National Directorate of employment, he facilitated the vocational training of more than 60 Uruan persons in phone repairs, hair dressing, fashion design, beads and hat making, computer studies and paint manufacturing and also provided starter packs for them at the end of the training. He has assisted scores of persons to be gainfully employed and start a business of their own in his resolve to entrepreneurially empower his people – teaching them how to fish than giving them fish.
Some youths from Uruan were sponsored to Turkey to further their football career in conjunction with the Vincent Enyeama Grassroots Sports Development. He also sponsored Uruan Football Club that came second in the 2016 Akwa Ibom Football Cup Competition. 50 Uruan women have been given grants to start a business of their own. He contributed immensely in the award of contract for building of the Ishiet Fish Market (Urua Ishiet) of which the Wife of the Governor, Mrs. Martha Udom Emmanuel has graciously provided an industrial fish grill; and the Anua-Mbak-Ishiet road. Since Health is Wealth, he sponsored a four day free medical exercise as a fulfillment of his campaign promise thus contributing his quota to the medical wellbeing of his people where more than 5000 Uruan people benefitted from the exercise; 662 lenses were dispensed; 300 dental surgery and treatment took place, 73 general surgeries while 3000 others had diabetic, HIV/AIDS and hypertension screening and treatment. As a follow-up to the free medical treatment, a medical doctor at Anua Hospital has been kept on retainership and referrals are made to him as the need arises. Hon Aniekan Bassey has also attracted projects such as Renovation of Town Hall at Ekim Enen, Renovation of Town Hall at Use Uruan, Installation of 300KVA Electricity Transformer at Ikot Inyang Esuk Central 3, Installation of Electricity Transformer at Afaha Ikot Ishiet, South 2, Renovation of 4 Classroom Blocks at Ikpa Uruan North 1, Facilitated the upgrading of Nung Ikono Ufok Village Market, Construction of 6 Classroom Blocks at Akan Obio Uruan, Provided relief materials and cash to two warring communities (Anakpa and Nna Enin) to help resettle them.
In April 2018, Hon. Aniekan presented his scorecard to his people. During the said event, more than 300 persons were empowered with cars, mini buses, motor cycles, sewing machines, vulcanizing machines, grass cutting machines, hair dryers, deep freezers, barbing saloon kits generating sets and grants to more than 400 persons.

Before venturing into politics, Hon. Aniekan started business at age 17 and has garnered vast entrepreneurship expertise spanning two decades with interests in manufacturing, building and construction, security and surveillance as well as hospitality providing jobs to more than 300 Nigerians. Business firms he founded and co-founded includes Technocraft Contractors his first Company at age 19; a communications and securities outfit vested in sales and installations, Germain Products and Allied Services Ltd; leading producers of paints, resins, gum and vanishes, wood sealants, etc. There is also the gem grand Lodge and gem lounge; a reputable and award-winning hospitality outfit and Technogem; a civil engineering, architectural and quantity surveying outfit, etc.

He is an embodiment of achievements, an inspiring fellow, an entrepreneur par excellence, proactive business guru, institution builder, mentor, creative thinker, role model, outstanding and quintessential lawmaker of the 21st century. The sterling qualities that stands Hon. Aniekan out as a man of the people includes his unassuming and humble disposition; does not drive around in tinted vehicles and security aides, and most often drives himself to work. He is accessible to his people both at home and office.

While his life has been that of inspiration, development, empowerment and motivation, his actions have remained positive as they have helped to promote the greatest good for the greatest number. His leadership qualities and exemplary life is captured in the words of Admiral Stockdale who said that, “Men of service and impact are never out of job and never out of followers; they do not pass this clime often. They are part of a rare breed of whom service is life itself.”
His legislative interests include education, youth empowerment, entrepreneurship and grassroots development. He believes in the dictum that, “Only a life lived for others is a life well lived”. He has received numerous awards including Pillar of Legislative Business and the Peoples’ Voice in AKHA by South-South Students’ Assembly, Distinguished Service Award by Uyo High School Old Students’ Association, Certificate of Honour by Nsit Attai Council of Chiefs and Award for Effective Representation by University of Uyo Students’ Parliament, etc. Rt. Hon. Aniekan Bassey is an example of a true democrat, statesman and selfless representative of his people. He belongs to the Roman Catholic family and is happily married to Mrs. Itohowo Bassey.

Herdsmen Attack on A’Ibom community: Gov Emmanuel urges security agencies to fish out culprits


Governor Udom Emmanuel has called on security agencies in the State to close ranks and fish out perpetrators of the attack on Ikot Obio Nso community in Mkpat Enin local government area.

The attack which was reportedly carried out by herdsmen, left one Friday Udo Etor dead and many others with bullet wounds.

The late Friday Udo Etor was a farmer, according to his family.

Gov Emmanuel who made the call when he visited the family of the deceased and others who were affected in the attack, said the perpetrators must be identified and punished to give the victims and the community a sense of security.

The governor who was represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Dr. Emmanuel Ekuwem, frowned at the attack, stating that the State government will not condone violence acts nor harbour any person or group preying on the lives of her citizens.

“Governor Udom Emmanuel is very saddened and unhappy by this unprovoked attack on our people.

“He called me by 1a.m. and told me to be here this morning to console the people and calm frayed nerves.”

“We are peaceful and civilized in Akwa Ibom state, the elasticity of our patience is not infinite. As it is said in science when the limit of elasticity is exhausted there must be rupture and we do not want that.”

Speaking to a cross section of indigenes of the affected community, the governor said his administration is working with security agencies to capture and prosecute the attackers.

He assured them that government is working to guarantee their security, appealed to them to cooperate with security agencies to unravel those behind the attack.

“Be assured that all hands are on deck, with the Governor being the chief security officer of the State pushing for it, with support from all of us, those murderers would be arrested and security of life and property would be guaranteed, the governor assured.

The governor also stopped over at a hospital to check on a 11 year old boy, Master Nsikak Sylvanus Udoh, who sustained bullet wounds in the attack.

The Chairman of Ikot Obio Nso Village Council, Chief George Okodi, told the governor that the incident occurrred on Thursday, 8th August, at Ndon Enyin farm at about 9a.m.

Okodi explained that the deceased went to his farm and saw a herd of cattle feeding on his crops, so he accosted the herdsmen in a bid to stop them from destroying his crops but they resisted him and in the ensuing disagreement one of the herdsman pulled out a gun and shot him to dead.

He said the incident alarmed members of the community who were equally attacked by the herdsmen with people sustaining injuries from gun shots.

Okodi thanked the state government for responding promptly to the crisis, appealed for security beef-up in the area.

Youth Leader of the affected community, Mr Emmanuel Sylvester Udo, called on security agencies to be interested in unravelling how herdsmen acquire firearms and went round with it.

The Council Chairman of Mkpat Enin local government, Mr Ekanem Brown said the governor’s visit was a morale booster to the community, regretted that the peace and security of the Ikot Obio Nso community has been compromised with the invasion of the herdsmen .

“Your personal visit through the SSG speaks volume of your love for Mkpat Enin people and the fact that we took the right decision by voting you for a second tenure.

“We have been doing our best to calm the youths. Emotions were very high yesterday, I believe this visit will calm our youths.”

Brown appealed to security agencies to ensure that justice is served on the attack.

A senior citizen of Mkpat Enin and member of the State Executive Council, Barr. Ekong Sampson has commiserate with families affected in the attack.

Sampson who is the Commissioner for Environment and Petroleum Resources, condemned the attack and urged the youths to remain law-abiding and allow law enforcement agencies to do her job.

Meanwhile, the member representing Mkpat Enin in the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Mr. Victor Ekwere, has mourned the demise Late Friday Udo Etor, saying that he was a hardworking.

On the governor’s entourage during the visit were Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Security Mr John Jude and Special Assistant on Local Media, Prince Emmanuel Sam.

Cheers as Delta Assembly screens, confirms, DESOPADEC Board nominees


By Tega Odje

ASABA – THERE was cheers and celebration as the Delta State House of Assembly on Tuesday screened and confirmed new members of the Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission, DESOPADEC Board.

The majority leader of the House, Hon. Kenneth Oboro Preyor moved the motion for screening and confirmation of the new members of DESOPADEC.

The motion was promptly seconded by the Chief Whip of the House, Hon.Pat Ajudua PhD.

Confirming the new members of the DESOPADEC Board, the Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly,Rt.Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori said,”My dear Colleagues, honour are due to those that deserve it. Everybody deserve it. They all stand out.”

The new DESOPADEC Board will be chaired by Hon.Michael Diden a.k.a, Ejele while Chief Askia Ogieh a.k.a Bashorun will be Managing Director.

The other members who were screened and confirmed includes, Hon. Barr. John Mani, Hon. Joyce Overah, Mr. Lucky Shadrach Agediga, Leonard Anuka, Griftson Omasuli, Paul Owen, Chief Kent Okiemute, Dr. Paul Bebenimibo as well ad Dr. Paul Oru will serve as Commissioners and Executive Directors respectively.

In a chat with newsmen shortly after the screening and confirmation, Bebenimibo thanked Governor Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa and his Deputy, Barr. Kingsley Otuaro just as he promised to bring his wealth of experiences to bear.

Bebenimibo also promised to operate an “all embracing government,” stressing that he will seek the opinions of the people in Ijaw Communities before executing any projects and not just imposing any project which has no benefits to them.

The Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Mr. Charles Ehiedu Aniagwu also assured that he will up his game just as he thanked the Governor for finding him worthy for this assignment.

He said, “I will deploy my strength and ability and ensure that the government achieve its set goals.”


Woman alleges Police threats to life for exposing CDHR fraudsters


By Tega Odje

WARRI – A female Nigerian citizen, Mrs. Tega Shalokpe has cried out that her life is in danger for exposing fraudsters masquerading as members of the Delta State Committee for Defence of Human Rights, CDHR.

Shalokpe had on 13th June 2019 petitioned the Delta State Commissioner of Police about the activities of some CDHR members who act as cover up to internet fraudsters, but that the Warri Police Area Command has refused to transfer the file for action.

Shalokpe in a telephone call on Sunday alleged that her life is under threat as the Police Area Commander, ACP Garba is shielding the fraudsters and he is after her for exposing the fraudsters.

AccordIng to Shalokpe, “My cousin brother, Oduma David, who lives at Osubi   is nowhere to be found now because his life is under threat. Two friends (Freeborn and Onome Akpoghene) who are friends to my brother came to him that they want to transfer money to his friend’s account and that he should give them the friend’s account number in USA.

“David then asked them if it is not fraud related, they said it is not.  So he gave  them the account details,  after the money was transferred he discovered that it was fraud related transaction , and he informed them that he cannot cash out the money. So they started threatening him that He must cash out the money. He told them that bank has called to  say the money is fraud related, $20,000, he told them to reverse the money back to where it was sent from. They refused to reverse the money, so he told the bank to reverse the transaction.

“The bank then reversed the transaction and after that the two boys started disturbing him to bring the money. That David has spoilt their work, he told them that he does not have such money as the bank has reversed the transaction,  the two guys then went to connive with one Kelly, a member of CDHR and wrote a petition against my brother that he is into gun running,  so based on that the police from Ebrumede stormed his house while he was away and ransacked everywhere and arrested his younger brother.

“When we got to the station I told the DPO all that transpired and the DPO was shocked,  so I pleaded with the DPO to invite the petitioners so we can discuss in his office so he can investigate the truth, so on the 10th May we held the meeting, while there I told one of my younger brother to do discret recording of the proceedings.  So after the introduction I asked one of the boys to speak the truth of what transpired,  he narrated that he instructed that money be transferred to him, and after that the boy refused to cash the money rather he ordered reversal of the money.

“So i was angry with my brother and slapped him, in the process my shirt hooked the eyeglass of the CDHR guy and the glasses fell and broke. I was angry why CDHR member should work with fraudsters, I was angry with my brother too for mingling with such persons.  The OC Legal Warri and Barrister Erabor was in attendance,  they were angry with the guys for levelling such allegation against my brother.

“Kelly left, he then petitioned again to the Area Police Commander , I was angry and wrote a petition to the Delta State Commissioner of Police, on 13th June and signal  came from Asaba for transfer of the case file but the Area Commander refused I then petition Zone 5 and told them that the Area Commander refused to release the file, and that CDHR are registering fraudsters as their members to give them backing.

“Ever since then the Area Commander has held the file, only yesterday (Sunday ) I got information that Area Commander has ordered my arrest, the Area Commander wants to kill me, am calling on the Commissioner of Police and the Inspector General of Police to come to my aid.

Contacted on telephone, the Police Area Commander Warri ACP Garba said, “Come my brother do you know who you are taking to?  Me, one woman! Bring the woman to my office,  which woman are you talking about,  come with her to my office. Come to my office and  talk to me, don’t talk to me on phone, the way you are sounding as if you have concluded, if you have respect for me you will come to my office and say of a this and that is what I hear, I don’t investigate matters, I give  directives, if you really like me you will come to my office and say oga this is what I heard.” He shouted.

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