Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) is a Nigerian reality competition television series, based on the Big Brother television franchise, in which, contestants live in an isolated house and compete for a large cash prize and other material prizes, at the end of the show by avoiding being evicted from the house by viewers who vote for their favourite housemates to remain in the show
BBNaija S7: Meet Groovy [VIDEO]
Groovy plans to take it to the next level by being as fun and entertaining as possible. He has no plans to break any of Biggie’s rules. Let’s wait to see if he sticks to his word..........
Five Things To Expect As BBNaija Season 7 Premieres
Here comes the countdown to the seventh season of the Big Brother Naija show, which will hold at about 7pm (WAT) on Saturday. Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, the host, will declare open the new Season. The seventh edition promises to be full of love triangles, he...