The decision on Ukraine’s withdrawal from the accord was made at a Verkhovna Rada meeting on Monday, with 327 lawmakers supporting the move

Ukraine has withdrawn from the Commonwealth of Independent States’ (CIS) Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Affairs, Verkhovna Rada (parliament) member Alexey Goncharenko said on Monday.


“Ukraine has left another CIS agreement, which concerns cooperation and mutual assistance in customs affairs,” he wrote on Telegram.

The decision on Ukraine’s withdrawal from the accord was made at a Verkhovna Rada meeting on Monday, with 327 lawmakers supporting the move.

The agreement, made on April 15, 1994, is designed to ensure cooperation between member states in the field of customs by providing administrative assistance to the customs authorities and taking coordinated measures to expose and prevent offenses that harm the economic interests of the parties. The Verkhovna Rada Commission on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Cooperation recommended that lawmakers pass a law on the country’s pullout from the agreement on February 8, claiming that the document “has lost its practical importance for Ukraine and is no longer implemented.”.