Interpol Systems Consultant and security expert, Sir Chikwe Udensi has sent warmth message of regards to Nigerians at the commemoration of Easter, a Christian festival marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the pillar of the Christian faith.

Udensi, a leader in the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) political family said the period presents yet another opportunity for the country to consider moves that will lead to a holistic national healing that will significantly address the injustices of the past.

In a felicitation message on Saturday, Sir Udensi noted that the season has sacrificed as its central point, saying no sacrifice is too big to make in driving a national healing and reconciliation that would give all Nigerians a sense of belonging.

READ ALSO: Udensi Salutes Nigerians At Good Friday, Preaches Peace

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He said the cry of marginalization in certain parts of the country and political imprisonment of others have fuelled security concerns in the nation, urging that the government should in the spirit of Easter begin processes to build confidence and heal wounded hearts.

While wishing Nigerians a happy celebration, Sir Udensi also urged individuals with decent means to reach out to less privileged homes as Christ himself preached and demonstrated, noting that in so doing, Christ’s commandment as recorded in the holy scriptures will be observed in fulfillment.



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