The 14th Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II, has stated his commitment to restoring peace in the Niger Republic.

Sanusi commented on Wednesday, just hours after visiting coup leader Abdourahamane Tiani in Niamey, Niger’s capital.

Although government officials were aware of his visit to the coup leaders, the deposed monarch stated that the trip was personal.

He stated that he briefed President Bola Tinubu on the meeting’s outcome, noting that it is a diplomatic affair.

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“Interventions are ongoing and we’ll continue to do our best to bring the two parties together to improve understanding,” Sanusi said.

“This is a time for public diplomacy, it’s not a matter that we leave to governments. All Nigerians and Nigeriens need to be involved to find a solution that works for Africa, Niger, Nigeria, and humanity.


“I was not sent by the government. Government officials were aware I was going but it was my initiative, using my contacts to get there and I will continue to do my best. It is my duty as a leader to do that.”

Sanusi’s visit comes only one day after Niger’s military rejected a tripartite peace mission from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Union (AU), and the United Nations (UN).

The diplomatic overtures were called off after a late-night communication from Niger’s military officials indicating their inability to host the delegation.

The United States acting deputy secretary of state, Victoria Nuland, was also denied permission to speak with Tiani or ousted President Mohamed Bazoum.

Instead, she spent two hours talking with other army officers.



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