The Zone 9 Command of Nigeria Police Force in Umuahia has confirmed the arrest of President General of Okon Aku Ohafia in Ohafia LGA, Abia State, Mecha Ume for allegedly involving in the vandalising equipment at a Palm oil plantation located in Okon Aku.

Mecha and another community member were arrested on Saturday after some suspects who were earlier arrested in connection with vandalism last Wednesday, allegedly fingered the PG to be involved in the matter.

It would be recalled that three persons were last week, arrested by men of the Nigerian Army while trying to cart away a truckload of vandalized equipment from the farm settlement.

They were nabbed by the Nigerian Army team on a patrol and handed over to the Zone 9 Police Command for further investigation.

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Army Nabs Suspected Vandals In Okon Palm Oil Plantation (Photos, Video)


But in the latest development, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of Zone 9 Police Command, Umuahia, Marc Bruno on Monday, confirmed that the President General, Mecha Ume was arrested in connection with the matter, adding that investigations are still ongoing.

The Eastern Region Estate Investment (EREI) was a palm oil plantation established by Dr. Michael Okpara, the then Premier of Eastern Region in 1961.

Abia State government had previously issued a letter, warning the vandals to stay off the property as plans were ongoing to revive the Oil palm facility.



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