Former Commissioner for Information in Abia State, Chief John Okiyi-Kalu, has disclosed findings from the Abia Forensic Audit report conducted by Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG), revealing that former Governor Okezie Ikpeazu left a net credit balance of N3.48 billion for Governor Alex Otti.

According to Okiyi-Kalu, the audit report confirms that Ikpeazu’s administration left a substantial financial surplus for his successor, Otti. He emphasized that this surplus, which includes cash in the bank and near-cash assets like a 3.5 percent share in Aba Independent Power Project (IPP) Geometric, is sufficient to cover two months’ worth of workers’ salaries in Abia State.

Addressing discrepancies between Otti’s claims of a “forensic audit report” and the actual findings of KPMG’s financial process review, Okiyi-Kalu accused Otti of deliberate misinformation. He urged the public to distinguish between an audit and a process review, emphasizing the need for proper research to discern the difference.


Furthermore, Okiyi-Kalu clarified the roles of governors and other officials in procurement and financial transactions within the Abia State government.

He stated, “A Governor does not award contracts in Abia State and a Governor does not sign Cheques. It is the Finance & General Purpose Committee (F & GPC) that reviews tenders, recommends companies for the award of contracts and passes the same to State Exco for approval. Similarly, only the top officials of the Ministry of Finance sign State Government Cheques and at the level of ministries it is the Permanent Secretary and Director of Finance.

“As a Commissioner in Abia State for six years I never signed any government or ministry cheque because it is not within my remit. Where then is the evidence of Dr Ikpeazu stealing N10 billion meant for Abia Airport.”



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