An official of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corp, Sani Yahaya, has been arrested for allegedly defiling a seven-year-old girl.

Yahaya was arrested by the corps following a complaint lodged against him by the father of the girl, who reported the matter at the NSCDC office in Gusau.

Narrating the ordeal to our reporter, the father of the girl said the NSCDC official lured his daughter with fruits into a vacant house at Samaru area, Gusau where Yahaya was posted as a security guard.

“My daughter was sent on an errand by her mother close to the house where the NSCDC official was attached to.

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“As she was passing along the road, he asked her to come into the house to collect fruits. That was how he got the girl and forcefully defiled her,” the father said.

He maintained that the girl was crying in the house which attracted the attention of passersby who immediately barged in.


The father said he reported the case at the headquarters of the NSCDC and Yahaya was arrested.

The spokesperson for the NSCDC in the state, Mr Aminu Maru, confirmed Yahaha’s arrest.

He said, “The officer is in our custody. The father of the girl reported the case at the command’s headquarters through the Intelligence and Investigation Department, complaining against one of our staff members, Sani Yahaya on alleged rape.

“While investigating the issue, the suspect said he did not have the carnal knowledge of the girl, confirming however that he grabbed her into a room where he gave her two nuts of umbrella tree.

“After dragging her into the room, the suspect said he started to have a romance with the girl and also confessed that he reached climax while romancing with the girl but did not penetrate into her private parts.”



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