A Nigerian father, Karibo Longjohn, has taken to social media to share a hilarious and heartwarming moment with his daughter.

The young girl’s drawing skills have impressed her dad, but it’s her confidence and caption that have stolen the show!


Longjohn shared a photo of the drawing, which bears a striking resemblance to him, with the caption: “My Daughter don finish work oh, She say na me she draw so oh” (My daughter has finished her work, she says it’s me she drew!).

The post has gone viral, with many praising the daughter’s creativity and her father’s lighthearted response. The drawing has become a symbol of the joy and humor that can be found in family moments.

A photo of the drawing and Karibo's social media post has been shared online, showcasing the daughter's artwork and her father's amused reaction.
A photo of the drawing and Karibo’s social media post has been shared online, showcasing the daughter’s artwork and her father’s amused reaction.



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