A devastating incident has occurred in Abia State, leaving a community in mourning and outrage. Miss Vivian Munachi Ocheze Ogbonna, a young lady from Umuahala Asa, has tragically died after being pushed from a crane by her Chinese boss, Mr GZ ZHEN at Inner Galaxy Company, located in Umuahala and Umuorie Communities of Asa, Ukwa West Local Government Area.

Miss Vivian Munachi Ocheze Ogbonna
Miss Vivian Munachi Ocheze Ogbonna

Miss Vivian Munachi Ocheze Ogbonna

ABN TV that Ocheze was pushed down from the crane by a Chinese manager of the company. She was said to have hit her head on a hard object and died.

Some workers at the steel factory told ABN TV that the Chinese manager never related well with Ocheze over the alleged rejection of love advances by the deceased.

However, the incident caused tension in the steel company as youths of the community barricaded the gates, insisting that they wouldn’t leave until justice was done over the death of the crane operator. The protesting youths were later dispersed by soldiers guarding the steel company.

It was alleged that some of the protesting youths were shot and beaten up by soldiers.

Miss Vivian Munachi Ocheze Ogbonna
Lifeless Body of Miss Vivian Munachi Ocheze Ogbonna

“The Chinese people at Inner Galaxy company are dehumanizing Nigerians. The chinese manager pushed Ocheze out of the crane. She fell and hit her head on the hard surface and died. 


“We want justice done, our sister cannot die in vain, the government must investigate the activities of the chinese people at Inner Galaxy company. The soldiers guarding the company are shooting at us for protesting the death of our sister.They are subjecting Nigerians to much suffering. Enough is enough,” one of the protesting youths told ABN TV.

The incident sparked widespread anger among the youths of the community, who protested at the company on Monday, May 20, 2024, demanding justice for Ocheze’s untimely death. However, their peaceful protest was met with force as soldiers, who were supposed to provide security for the company, instead harassed and intimidated the youths.

The community is now calling on Governor Alex Otti to intervene in the matter and ensure that justice is served.

The community also calling on the Member Representing Ukwa East/West in the House of Representatives HON. CHRIS NKWONTA, CHIEF DIMGBA ERUBA, Commissioner Representing Abia State in the Board of NDDC, Member Representing Ukwa West State Constituency in the Abia State House of Assembly HON. GODWIN ADIELE, TC Chairman/Mayor of Ukwa West L.G.A, HON. NEWMAN AZU, all Present and former political Appointees of Asa extraction, Asa Development Union(ADU), the inspector General of Police, Civil Right Organisation etc to help bring the perpetrator of the heinous crime to justice.

The incident has raised concerns about the safety and well-being of Nigerian workers in companies operated by foreign nationals.

Police Public Relations Officer, Abia State command did not respond to calls and text messages sent to her mobile number as at the time of filing this report.

As the investigation into Ocheze’s death continues, the community remains in shock and grief, demanding answers and accountability for this senseless tragedy.



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