Dame Patience Jonathan, the former First Lady of Nigeria, has expressed her confidence in Abia State Governor, Alex Otti, affirming that he has made a good start.

During a courtesy visit to Governor Otti’s country home in Nvosi, Isialangwa South Local Government Area, Mrs. Jonathan congratulated the governor for cleaning up the state and eliminating the putrid stench that had plagued it before Otti’s assumption of office on May 29, 2023.

According to a statement by Kazie Uko, the Chief Press Secretary to the governor, Mrs. Jonathan, who has maternal roots in Abia (originally from Rivers State) and is married to the former president, Goodluck Jonathan, from Bayelsa State, described Governor Otti as her brother and mentor.

She said: “This is my home and I have come to visit my brother, my Governor in whom I’m well pleased. He’s my mentor. When I was in government, he supported me as a brother. I have come to share my experience with him and to tell him congratulations, well done.

“Abia is our home. Any time, any day he calls me, I will be there for him. He is doing very, very well. He started well and I know he will end well.

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“You can see that there is no dirt again in Abia State. You can see all the road works going on. You can drive around and there is no dirt, no smell anywhere, and you can breathe fresh air. That’s why I’m here to tell him, congratulations.”

Governor Otti thanked the former First Lady for visiting and sharing her experience in government with him.

He said: “I want to thank her for this visit and for the very kind words. We have just started and the sky is not even our limit. I’m very happy that she found time to visit with me. My prayer is that God will continue to keep her, her family and her husband.”

The House of Representatives member representing Ikwuano-Umuahia Federal Constituency, Hon Obi Aguocha, and some members of the Abia State Executive Council joined Governor Otti in welcoming Mrs. Jonathan.




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