A chieftain of All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) in Abia and an Interpol systems consultant, Sir Chikwe Udensi has said inability of people of the state to carry out a proper background check before electing leaders is one of the reasons the state still battles with perennial under-development.

Applauding the governorship election debate which took place recently in Umuahia, Sir Udensi said leadership is critical and requires all efforts to get it right.

Featuring in an audience participatory radio programme on Wednesday in Umuahia monitored by ABN TV, Sir Udensi who was present during the debate expressed happiness that the background of the candidates were probed.

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Going memory lane, Sir Udensi recalled when employers used to make background checks before recruiting staff members, a practice he said has gone.

“In marriages and relationships, they ask where is the person coming from, who are his parents. If for instance, you are coming from a very bad parentage, if you are brought up by bad parents, the greater percentage of the chances is that you are going to be bad”, he said.

While insisting that a snake will give birth to its own resemblance, he said public officeholders who were poorly raised will Inherit such defects from their parentage and bring same to leadership.


He revealed that one of those seeking to become the next Abia governor did not get a favourable remark from his employer as he was accused of being reckless with funds. He did not name the candidate.

According to Sir Udensi, in advanced countries, people do not get jobs if they don’t have good track records, even to the extent of getting a property to rent.

He said what people did in the past will determine what they have the tendency of doing in the future.

“Don’t tell us you will be a good man tomorrow while yesterday you were a bad man. In Abia State, if we had properly checked the records of those who held public offices before, we wouldn’t have been in the situation we are in today.

“We are in a horrible situation because we did not do proper and due diligence in trying to employ those who will manage our resources”, he stated.




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