The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Okezie Kalu inaugurated a committee on Sunday, June 02, 2024, to oversee the operations of the Peace Fund for Victims of Insecurity in the South East.

The inauguration of the Committee follows on the heels of his visit to the widows of the soldiers who were slain in the unfortunate attack at Aba on May 30th, 2024. In the course of the visit to the 144 Battalion Headquarters, Asa, Abia State, the Deputy Speaker promised to set up a Peace Fund to cater to the welfare of families of slain security officials in the South East and donated the sum of Ten Million Naira Only to kickstart the fund.

Membership of the Committee is as follows:

Chief Daniel Akwari – Chairman
Chief Emeka Wogu, CON, Ph.D – Member
Hon. Jaafaru Leko – Member
Hon. Ibrahim Mohammed – Member
Rt. Hon. Martins Azubuike – Treasurer
Mrs. Mary Ikoku – Secretary
Sam Ifeanyi Hart, mni – Publicity Secretary

READ ALSO: Deputy Speaker, Kalu Launches Peace Fund To Support Victims Of Insecurity In South East

Inaugurating the Committee, the House of Representatives’s Deputy Speaker and Project’s Visioner, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Okezie Kalu, charged them to ensure that every kobo raised by the Committee is judiciously utilized and accounted for.


He noted that the Peace Fund fell under the Rehabilitation objective of the Peace in the South East Project (PISE-P) which he is championing alongside Members of the House of Representatives from the South East Region of the Country.

Hon. Kalu charged the Peace Fund Committee to capture the data of families of security personnel who have paid the ultimate price while serving in the South East region in recent times and gave them the mandate to approach public-spirited individuals, corporate organizations, and government agencies within and outside the country to encourage them to contribute to the project.

The Deputy Speaker noted that the project was in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration intended to restore hope to families who were affected by the insecurity in the South East who were abandoned by society.

In the words of Hon. Kalu, “Issues of conflicts and insecurity in the southeast have led to the creation of a platform sensitive to the needs of families of fallen security officers who lost their lives on May 30, 2024. After visiting the 144 Battalion Asa barracks in Ukwa West and seeing the condition of the widows and families, I have decided to inaugurate a ‘Peace Fund’ to help those impacted, especially the widows and children. We have commenced this fund with an initial donation of 10 million naira, which was handed over to the manager today.

“Due to the interest shown by Nigerians, we need a team to manage the fund transparently and accountably. I have found you worthy to head the secretariat that will manage the fund, including receiving donations, keeping them in good custody, and applying them to execute interventions. We are in charge of the southeast fund for victims of insecurity, and the secretariat will communicate our mandate. You are expected to commence work immediately, as funds are being donated rapidly. Nigerians are invested in this cause, and we must account for how the funds are used.

“Beyond supporting widows, we will extend aid to all barracks, security agencies, and women’s organizations to identify with their welfare and feel their pain. We will manage this fund with credibility, transparency, and accountability, making Nigeria proud,” he said.

Within hours of launching the fund, about Thirty Million Naira was raised from well-meaning members of society from around the country and abroad.

In conclusion, the Chairman of the committee, Chief Akwari praised Kalu’s initiative, promising to manage the fund with integrity.



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