Tobi Amusan, a Nigerian track and field athlete, has been provisionally suspended by the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) for three missed drug tests.

Amusan was suspended when it was determined that she had missed three drug tests in a 12-month span.

Even if an athlete has never failed a drug test, this charge might result in a two-year penalty.


The AIU said in a tweet that the accusation will be considered by the Disciplinary Tribunal and decided before the World Athletics Championships.

The AIU, which is in charge of regulating anti-doping measures in athletics around the world, has strong laws and regulations in place to preserve the sport’s integrity and a level playing field for all participants. One of these guidelines compels athletes to report their whereabouts to the AIU’s Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS), including their daily whereabouts and availability for testing.



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