Ursula Curtiss defined blackmail as “Age-old path to the land of milk and honey. The one sure way of being paid for doing nothing”

I can’t agree less with this philosopher but would like to add that, outside the quest for milk and honey; hate, malice and inferiority complex are also identifiable factors.

However, one of the most difficult hatchet jobs to do is to target a popular and performing government with media blackmail. It backfires and exposes the blackmailer to public opprobrium and increases the popularity and rating of the targeted victim.

This was the case with those who sponsored an infantile publication on Sahara Reporters a few days ago trying to demonise the Alex Otti led-government and mislead the public over the government’s plan to purchase some vehicles as contained in her budget.

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In spite of the attempt to hoodwink the public and make it look as if Governor Otti plans to purchase cars for his personal use, intelligent and discerning readers were smart to read between the lines and saw clearly that the proposed vehicles which include; Motor Vehicles, Vans, Trucks and Buses are meant for Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of government whose vehicles were completely carted away by previous governments.

Again, this is an estimate to be executed within the 2024 window. Whether you’re buying from INNOSON, TOYOTA or any other company, the present depreciation of the Naira is a huge factor that must affect the cost of every vehicle being purchased.

Some brand new Security Trucks cost as much as 50 million Naira or more each. 50 pieces of such trucks will amount to 2.5 billion Naira.


It is a known fact that all the Governor’s official vehicles were bought before he became the Governor, except the INNOSON G80 (Ikenga). These are verifiable facts.

The negative reactions and comments that trailed the article and the encomium readers from different parts of the country and different backgrounds unanimously poured on Governor Otti on Sahara Reporters’ platform were strong indications that Nigerians, especially those on social media have become smarter to the point of refusing to be bamboozled or deceived with sensational news headlines and distorted narratives, especially against a nationally acclaimed performer.

Governor Alex Otti is the Governor of Abia state, and the people of Abia who see and feel his achievements are in a far better position to assess his performance and give the right verdict.

Like the Governor said shortly after his assumption of office “I do not want to be the Governor who came and built only roads and paid salaries”. Governor Otti desires to completely rebuild Abia, wipe the tears of the poor masses who had been on the receiving end of bad governance; create wealth and open new frontiers of limitless opportunities for all residents of Abia, while exporting prosperity to other parts of Igbo land through sound economic policies and brotherly economic-oriented synergy with other South East states.

Finally, as a government, we will remain humble and open to fair scrutiny and superior submissions geared towards improving governance and welfare of our people in Abia, but we will never succumb to the ferocious fury of a tiny minority who have vowed to perpetually present facades as facts all in a bid to mislead the public.

Attached below are the screenshots of comments made by readers on Sahara Reporters’ platform.

Ferdinand Ekeoma is
Special Adviser to the
Governor of Abia State on
Media and Publicity and
Writes from Umuahia.



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