Nigerian rapper, Folarin Falana, known as Falz, has addressed concerns on declaring for the presidency in 2023.

Falz has been at the forefront campaigning against old leaders, advocating for a better country and for the youths to lead Nigeria.

Some individuals have since asked Falz to form or join a political party alongside other young agitators and declare for the 2023 presidency.

However, Falz in a podcast session with Lola Oj said he has no plans of being Nigeriaā€™s President or any other political ambition at the moment.

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According to him, all he desires is for everything to be great in Nigeria, adding that things are upside down and need to be fixed in the country.

Falz said: ā€œBeing a President, Iā€™ve never thought about it, itā€™s not part of the plans. Iā€™m just a well-wisher that wants everything to be ok in this country.

ā€œI look around me and I see everything is upside down and I donā€™t think we should be existing like this as a people.

ā€œThereā€™s an entire array of greatness weā€™re supposed to walk into, but weā€™re dragging our feet, thatā€™s the problem.ā€



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