A Nigerian Catholic priest, Fr Kelvin Ugwu has called on society not to condemn homosexuals but accord them the dignity they deserve as humans.

In his verified Facebook page on Saturday, the clergy while maintaining the Catholic Church has not changed its teachings on homosexuality, insisted that it is still regarded as an act that is INTRINSICALLY DISORDERED

He said they have right to be part of the family as human person, adding that homosexual acts are still not acceptable.

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On Homosexuality

Though my heart tells me that there is something wrong with a man having sexual attraction to a fellow man, or a woman to a fellow woman; I feel they need help; I feel it is not normal. But the society and the generation I find myself in says they don’t need help, that it is normal.

The generation I find myself are using examples of animal species that are perceived to be homosexuals to justify the act. They argue that since some animals have been seen to exhibit homosexual tendencies, it therefore means it is normal. (Who ever saw the animals, I don’t know).

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The logic is both porous and irritating. Do we have to find validity of what we human could call normal from watching what animals do?

Because of this, I started making research. I pushed away whatever the bible said about homosexuality. I wanted to see what others are seeing, maybe I could understand it better. How do psychologists or psychiatrists see this?

Then I stumbled on a manual of mental health disorder. It is called Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). It is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The manual offers a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders. It is used, or relied upon, by clinicians, researchers, psychiatric, drug regulation agencies, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, the legal system, and policy makers.

Then I read through their publication of 1968. It was new to me that in DSM publication of 1968, homosexuality was regarded as MENTAL DISORDERS. I said wow!

Then I read how from that moment, gay right activists started fighting the American Psychiatric Association (APA). They want homosexuality to be removed from DSM as a mental disorder. They went as far as disrupting APA’s conferences many times, interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. It was a big riot. They even threatened APA with strong words.

As expected, in 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder or not. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, and 3,810 voted to retain it.

Mark this, the decision was made based on vote in which 3,810 persons out of 9,664 people that voted were still convinced that it is a disorder. The decision is more political than medical. It was a response to what the world wanted to hear.

At that decision to remove homosexuality from the catalogue of mental disorders in DSM, a commentator said the jubilation among homosexuals that day was as if they won the world cup.

That forcefulness to ensure everyone accept homosexuality is still with us. It is even more forceful today. They don’t give you options.

Do you remember the baker that was charged to court in the US for refusing to bake cake for gay couples?

Do you know that some preachers have been sent out of some parishes in Europe/America for simply following the biblical teaching of condemning homosexuality even when they don’t condemn the person?


Do you know that some of these opinions we share here on Facebook can deny some of us visas to some countries in the world even when clearly we don’t condemn those called homosexuals?

Remind me again what the US govt under Obama did to Uganda over their anti-gay law?

Chimamanda Adichie’s rating skyrocketed when she showed her support for homosexuals. Remind me again one of the reasons why Barrack Obama was loved as president? Do you now see why to be “woke” is to be a gay activist?

In today’s world, to be seen as a progressive country or a progressive church is to accept not just homosexuality, but to uphold it as normal. Anglican Church of England comes to mind. And today there is this force to make Catholic change her teaching such that any statement made by the Pope on this can be easily misinterpreted.

In religious debate on this, even before you finished talking, someone will remind you that we are all sinners, and that we should not judge another whom we perceive to be sinning differently from us. What they are simply trying to say to you is: SHUT YOUR MOUTH UP!

You are told to believe that gays are born like that, yet we know many people who were lured into it and they got use to it. Almost everyone of us who are against the act has got stories to tell on how he or she escaped being lured into it.

We equally know many people who due to rape or abuse or heart break decided to find solace and trust on people of their same sex. What of young ladies whom due to fear of pregnancy, decided to have a female partner to remove such fear? What do we do about these people?

At the end, we should be bold to ask ourselves, how come among two homosexuals, one will often be acting like a girl? Why behave, dress, or act LIKE a girl if you are comfortable as a man? To act “LIKE”, is it not a sign that something is wrong. Again, why are medical personnel silent on the adverse effects of having anal sex for a long time?

At the end we must be bold to ask ourselves, why use sex objects or dildos that look LIKE penis. Is that not a way of accepting that the penis is the natural organ especially when you design the dildos to look and function LIKE human penis? Is it not a way of saying that something is wrong?

Yea, as much as I don’t agree that homosexuals should be criminalized, I won’t also accept the argument that it is normal. This is why it is difficult to help even those who genuinely should be helped because you can’t find a solution to something you have not acknowledged as a problem.

On Pope Francis. . .

It is his good heart and love towards every human without judging them on the basis of their sins that has become his greatest strength and indeed his weakness as well. This is why it is easier for mainstream media to maliciously take advantage of that aspect of him.

The Catholic Church has not changed her teachings on homosexuality, it is still regarded as an act that is INTRINSICALLY DISORDERED. You may believe whatever the mainstream media want you to believe as coming from the Pope, but I say this to you, the Church has made clarifications already that the pope was wrongly quoted, the official teaching of the Catholic Church on this has not changed. So, if you are a homosexual carrying out the act, it is a sin, a mortal sin. It is a disorder. Seek to get out of it.

Yes, no one should condemn a homosexual. They are humans and deserve every dignity. They have right to be part of the family as human person. But, that is never to say homosexual acts are acceptable.

Pray for the Pope, pray for your Christian leaders!

Fr Kelvin Ugwu MSP


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