Abia State-based journalist, Iroegbu Emenike, has emphasized that unity among South East legislators is crucial for the region to successfully advocate for an additional state through legislative means.

Emenike stressed that unless legislators from the South East put aside their individual interests, agree on a specific state and location, and present a united front, efforts to create a new state will be futile.

He urged legislators to prioritize the region’s interests over personal gains, warning that failure to do so would render the quest for an additional state nothing more than a futile exercise.


Emenike’s call for unity highlights the need for collective action and a cohesive strategy to achieve the South East’s goals in the Nigerian political landscape.

He wrote; “The only way south east can possibly get an extra state through legislation, is if the legislators from the south east at the national level unite, jettison parochial interest, agree on a particular state and location and then push it from a unity front. Apart from that , all this razzmatazz is another journey in futility”.



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