Oleg Tinkoff, chairman of Tinkoff Bank Jsc., speaks at a conference during the Hong Kong Fintech Week event in Hong Kong, China.

Russian billionaire Oleg Tinkov has blasted Russia’s war in Ukraine, calling on the West to do more to “stop this massacre.”

Tinkov, who was among the 65 individuals and entities sanctioned by the UK on March 24 for “supporting Russia’s illegal invasion,” made the comments in an Instagram post Tuesday.

“I don’t see a single beneficiary of this insane war. Generals, waking up with a hangover have realized they have a s*** army. And how could the army be good when everything else in the country is mired in nepotism, groveling and servility,” Tinkov said.

The Russian tycoon, who founded Tinkoff Bank in 2006, wrote that “90% of Russians” opposed the conflict.

“The Kremlin’s civil servants are in shock that not only they but also their children won’t go to the Mediterranean this summer. Businessmen are trying to save what’s left of their property. Of course there are idiots that write the letter Z but there are about 10% idiots in all countries. 90% of Russians are AGAINST this war,” he said.

The letter “Z” became a sign of popular support for the war among some Russians after Russian military vehicles were seen marked with the symbol just ahead of the invasion.

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Switching to English at the end of his post, Tinkov called on the “collective” West to “give Mr. Putin a clear exit to save his face and stop this massacre.”


“Please be more rational and humanitarian,” he added.

Other Russian business leaders call for peace: In March, Russian oil firm Lukoil called for an end to the conflict in Ukraine.

Oligarchs Mikhail Fridman and Oleg Deripaska also spoke out against the conflict in late February following Russia’s invasion.

Fridman, who was born in western Ukraine, said in a letter to staff that he wanted the “bloodshed to end.” Deripaska wrote in a post on Telegram: “Peace is very important! Negotiations need to start as soon as possible!”

Earlier this month, the chairman of the Russian metals firm Rusal called for an impartial investigation into the killing of civilians in Bucha.