The Speaker of Abia State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Engr Chinedum Enyinnaya Orji, on Sunday offered an automatic employment to a member of Presbyter of Trinity Methodist Church, Umuegwu Afugiri Umuahia, Mrs Enyiocha Grace Ifeoma.

The Speaker was in the Church for the Child Dedication & Thanksgiving Service of little Miss Princess Chikaima Ihedioha, daughter of Prince & Mrs Emeka Ihedioha.

Fortune came the way of the pregnant Mrs Enyiocha Grace Ifeoma, the lead singer of the congregation when the Speaker noticed the zeal which she demonstrated during singing.

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According to the Speaker, he watched keenly with amazement how Mrs Enyiocha, even though heavily pregnant sang melodiously with her whole being to the glory of God.

Moved by her dedication to service despite her condition, the Speaker asked what she was doing for a living.

In response, Mrs. Enyiocha said she is an applicant, having studied Accounting and passed through her mandatory the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme.


The church went into jubilation when the Speaker announced the offer of a job to her and requested Prince Emeka Ihedioha to proceed later to his office with her documents for processing.

The Speaker while thanking God for His blessings upon the life of Prince & Mrs Emeka Ihedioha said children are gifts from God, adding that it’s a big testimony to the glory of God that a woman conceives, goes through the nine months journey of pregnancy and delivers safely.

The Speaker further said he was very happy to worship in the church for the first time and promised to support them whenever the need arises.

Rev Felix Ucheze, the Presbyter of Trinity Methodist Church, Umuegwu Afugiri while welcoming the Speaker, expressed gratitude, urging him to continue with the good works he has always been known for and asked God to bless him in all his endeavours.

At the reception venue of the ceremony which held at the country home of Prince & Mrs Ihedioha at Umuagungolori, Afugiri, Umuahia North LGA, Rt Hon Chinedum Enyinnaya Orji said he came to celebrate with the family because of the humanitarian and kind gestures of Prince Emeka to society over the years. He said he was proud of the celebrant and his family and prayed God to continue to bless and enable him to do more for humanity.

Hon Jerry Uzosike, Member representing Umuahia South State Constituency, Sir Onyii Wamah, State Head of Service, Hon Chidiebere Nwachukwu, Hon Lucky Akabuike, former Chairmen of Umuahia North LGA, Dr Obi Aguocha, President General of Ohuhu Welfare Union, Hon Eze Okwulehie, General Manager of ASEPA and other political stakeholders in Ohuhu, accompanied the Speaker to the occasion which family, friends and well wishers also graced.



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