Apex-Igbo organization, Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide has reacted to the capture of fugitive IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu.

Ohanaeze in a statement made available to ABN TV on Tuesday afternoon, praised the arrest of Kanu adding that it has brought an ‘end to violent agitations’ in the country.

The statement read: “Ohanaeze Ndigbo calls for calm and cautioned Igbos to desist from any form of protests and processions that will bring more catastrophe for Southeastern Nigeria.”

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READ ALSO: FG Arrests IPOB Leader, Nnamdi Kanu (Photos, Video)

“The re-arrest of Nnamdi Kanu the leader of IPOB is the beginning of the end of violent agitations in southeastern Nigeria and a lesson to others that,” deviation from the nonviolent agitations contradicted what Igbos are known for, and self-determination should not be used for purposes of fortune and fame-seeking”.

“Nnamdi Kanu’s refusal to adhere to the advice of Igbo leaders, Elders, and Political leaders is the outcome of what had befallen him, he made a lot of enemies especially those that would have saved him and Federal Government will never lose grip on him again. We don’t think that any Igbo leader will stick out his/her neck for him, his re-arrest will eventually bring peace and stability to the region and averted another civil war that was raging on.”

“Federal Government should handle the situation carefully because his large followers of IPOB wouldn’t resort to violent revolts, his trial should be strictly based on the laws of the land, they shouldn’t kill him because it will destabilize the entire country.”



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