A Pakistani man identified as Sohaib Ahmed has acquired a plot of land on the moon for his wife as a wedding gift, to show that when he says he can do anything for her, he means every word.

Ahmed who married his heartthrob six months ago bought a one-acre plot of land on the moon as a wedding present for his wife, Madiha.

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The loving husband who lives in Rawalpindi bought the lunar land in the region called ‘Sea of Vapour’, he reportedly bought the land for $45 from the International Lunar Settlement Initiative (LSI).

However, the LSI noted that for a land claim to be granted legal recognition and certification, a human-based settlement must be established permanently and continuously inhabited on Luna.

The statement of the LSI site reads,

“The location and population of the settlement may change, as long as there continues to be an inhabited settlement within the claim. This settlement may include temporary shelters and structures; moveable vehicles or assemblies; permanent facilities for research, mining, construction or human habitation; tourist accommodations; and/or strategic emplacements.

“Upon the recognition and certification of land claims, property owners shall be entitled to inhabit and develop their property in any manner, subject to any laws or statutes that may be established by the sovereign and independent government of Luna, which shall be freely elected by its citizens.”




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