As various states take drastic measures to ensure the curtailment of the spread of coronavirus in their domains, the Acting Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment Abia state, Engr. Tom Okoro has said the state is recording 70 percent compliance from citizens in the stay-at-home order issued by the government.

Lockdown: Abia Recording 70 Percent Compliance - COVID-19 Task Force, Insists On Enforcement [VIDEO]

Speaking as a respondent in ABN TV‘s vox pop show, STREET WAHALA, the Permanent Secretary appealed to Abians to bear with the government over the action, saying it is for the good of everyone even as the state has not recorded any case of COVID-19.

He called on them to wash their hands regularly, wear the appropriate face masks and maintain social distance.


He emphasised that the state will continue to ensure the enforcement of the lockdown till total compliance is achieved.

Meanwhile, As at 11:00 am Friday 3rd April, Six new cases of coronavirus were reported in Nigeria. Six in Osun state making a total of 190 confirmed cases. Twenty have been discharged with two deaths.

See more photos below…

Lockdown: Abia Recording 70 Percent Compliance - COVID-19 Task Force, Insists On Enforcement [VIDEO] Lockdown: Abia Recording 70 Percent Compliance - COVID-19 Task Force, Insists On Enforcement [VIDEO] Lockdown: Abia Recording 70 Percent Compliance - COVID-19 Task Force, Insists On Enforcement [VIDEO] Lockdown: Abia Recording 70 Percent Compliance - COVID-19 Task Force, Insists On Enforcement [VIDEO] Lockdown: Abia Recording 70 Percent Compliance - COVID-19 Task Force, Insists On Enforcement [VIDEO]

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