Categories: WORLD

Humanitarian Situation In Ukraine Is Serious, But Countries Shouldn’t Be Forced To “Choose Sides” – Zhang Jun

China’s United Nations Ambassador Zhang Jun told UN General Assembly member countries that the humanitarian situation in Ukraine is becoming increasingly serious, but that countries should not force others to “choose a side” in the conflict. 

China’s United Nations Ambassador Zhang Jun

“The development of the situation in Ukraine to the present stage has triggered broad international concerns, and it is also something China does not want to see. On Ukraine, China has always maintained that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected,” Zhang said in translated remarks on Thursday.

“Developing countries, which make up the majority of the world, are not parties to this conflict. They should not be drawn into the issue and forced to suffer the consequences of geopolitical conflicts and major power rivalry…Relevant countries should not adopt a simplistic approach of either friend or foe, black or white, and should not force any country to pick a side,” he added.

Zhang added that China will play “a constructive role in facilitating peace talks.”

The General Assembly is hearing speeches on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine. Ukraine’s resolution in the General Assembly condemns Russia for not allowing access for humanitarian aid is backed by more than 20 countries, including the United States. On Wednesday, US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield told UN General Assembly member countries that by voting in favor of the resolution which calls in part for an immediate cessation of hostilities by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, they are “voting for an end to the war.”


Zhang said Thursday China recognizes the purpose of the draft resolution. “At the same time, it is clear that some elements of the draft resolution go beyond the humanitarian context,” he said.

General Assembly resolutions are non-binding, but they carry political weight.

On Wednesday, China and Russia were the only countries to vote in favor of a UN Security Council draft resolution proposed by Russia on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, which failed to pass in the United Nations Security Council. Thomas-Greenfield spoke ahead of that vote, stating that Russia was once again trying to use the Security Council to “provide cover for its brutal actions.”

Speaking ahead of the UNGA vote Thursday, Zhang said, “Legitimate security concerns of all countries should be taken seriously and all efforts conducive to the peaceful resolution of the crisis should be supported.”

“It is heart-wrenching to see the continued deterioration of humanitarian situation in Ukraine, as well as the civilian casualties and massive displacement of people caused by the conflict. The top priority now is for the parties concerned to maintain maximum restraints, avoid more civilian casualties, and reach a negotiated ceasefire as soon as possible, especially to prevent a larger-scale humanitarian crisis,” he added.

ABN Editor 2

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