As Nigeria celebrates Workers’ Day, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Sublime Industries Limited, Chief Kelvin Jombo, has felicitated with workers in Abia State and across the country.

In a statement released today, Chief Jombo commended the contributions and dedication of Nigerian workers, describing them as the “backbone of the nation’s growth and development”.

“Today, we celebrate the resilience, hard work, and commitment of Nigerian workers who toil day and night to build our great nation,” Chief Jombo said.

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“We recognize the vital role they play in driving economic progress and improving the lives of citizens.”

He particularly praised workers in Abia State, noting their industry and innovation have made the state a hub for entrepreneurship and economic growth.


“I salute the workers of Abia State, who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and passion in their various fields. Your efforts have made Abia a shining example of economic progress and development,” Chief Jombo said.

He also urged the government and private sector to prioritize workers’ welfare and provide a conducive environment for them to thrive.

“As we celebrate Workers’ Day, let us recommit to supporting and empowering our workers, who are the engine of our nation’s growth,” Chief Jombo added.

Sublime Industries Limited, under Chief Jombo’s leadership, has been a strong advocate for workers’ rights and has implemented various initiatives to improve the welfare of its employees.

Happy Workers’ Day to all Nigerian workers!



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