Apparently, Soma was feeling down for undisclosed reasons, which Angel had noticed during the course of the daily wagers. In an attempt to make things a lot lighter, Angel wrote him a pretty long love letter, declaring that she loved him with the words, “I love you”.

They shared a warm embrace as Soma appreciated the kind gesture, which led to Angel further asking if there was any other thing she could do to help the situation. They continued on with the rest of the night together as a normal couple in the house.

Venita was present during the presentation of the love letter as she commended Angel’s vulnerability and implored Soma to take care of her.


The love letter seems quite interesting considering the picnic-style dinner they had last week, alongside their given tradition of eating together every day on BBNaija All Stars.

The week didn’t start off in either their favour considering Angel’s loss during the Head of House game and both of them being nominated for possible eviction this week. Angel even contemplated a voluntary exit from BBNaija All Starsas she felt overwhelmed with the reality of her and Soma battling for the last spot for the finalist.

Many are eager to see if this flourishes into the next Bam-Bam and Teddy-A story or if it sinks outside of the BBNaija All Stars house.



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