A heartbreaking tale of extrajudicial brutality has emerged from Umuajata Community, Olokoro, in Umuahia South Local Government Area, Abia State, where a vigilante group led by Okechukwu Eluwa allegedly beat a young man, Obinna Emmanuel, to death over false accusations of plantain theft.

Abia Widow Seeks Justice For Son Beaten To Death By Vigilante Group Over False Plantain Theft Allegations
Mrs. Gold Emmanuel

According to Obinna’s mother, Mrs. Gold Emmanuel, her son was innocently accused, and the vigilante group violently attacked him with machetes, cutting his ankle and using acid. Obinna succumbed to his injuries two days later.


The incident has sparked outrage and raised concerns about community justice systems and the need for proper legal processes to prevent such tragedies. Human rights defenders led by Ochiegbu Marvelous have visited the community, vowing to bring the case to the authorities for investigation and ensure accountability for those responsible.

Mrs. Gold Emmanuel, Obinna's mother, and human rights defenders, including Ochiegbu Marvelous, Abia State Director of Human Rights Defenders, seek justice for Obinna's brutal killing.
Mrs. Gold Emmanuel, Obinna’s mother, and human rights defenders, including Ochiegbu Marvelous, Abia State Director of Human Rights Defenders, seek justice for Obinna’s brutal killing.

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