The Director of Publicity of the Northern Elders Forum, NEF, Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, has asked the National Assembly to remove President Muhammadu Buhari if he cannot guarantee the security of Nigerians. 

Speaking on Kakaaki, a political programme on AIT, on Monday, Baba-Ahmed charged the National Assembly members to note that the constitution bestowed on them the powers to act in the interest of Nigerians.

He noted that the country is in need of a solution as it is currently faced with serious security issues, saying “it is not about talking or promises that things will be better.

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“One option we have is that the legislators will look at the record of the administration, understand the areas where the president has failed, understand areas where there is clearly no evidence that they’re going to do anything about it and refer to the constitution that says the whole purpose of government is to secure citizens and pursue their welfare. 

“If Buhari fails to do that, for me, those are impeachable offences. In the last six months, two years, what has the president done to secure the country? 


“Absolutely nothing has been done and yet you see increasing failure of the state to protect citizens,” he said.

The NEF spokesman further added that if the president cannot deliver, he should be impeached.

“We don’t have a National Assembly that appears to have the levels of patriotism and concern beyond partisan politics to realise that when this roof falls, it also falls on their heads. 

“Partisanship is so pronounced that the people we elected and sent to Abuja think they serve the president rather than the Nigerian people,” he lamented.

He said the second option is for citizens to get together and decide on what to do. Baba-Ahmed said the third option is: “Those leaders who are failing will recognise the fact that they are the problem and they will resign, because they clearly have nothing to offer in terms of leadership.”



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